DIY Galvanized Metal Bunting

  Galvanized metal in decorating is super popular right now, as is DIY bunting. Create both popular looks in one with this fun and easy project in a can.

What you need:

  • Krylon Rust Protector Galvanizing Primer
  • Krylon Brushed Metallic Caramel Latte
  • Aluminum flashing (3-4 pieces)
  • Copper wire
  • Scissors
  • Bottle of water
  • Pair of gloves
  • Hammer and a nail

How and How Long:

1. Carefully cut flashing into triangles 2. Spritz with water 3. Spray with light coat of galvanizing primer 4. Repeat water/primer coating until satisfied 3. Add light overspray of Caramel Latte 4. Punch corner holes with a nail and string from copper wire

What it Costs:

$8.00 - Galvanizing Primer $4.00 - Caramel Latte spray paint $4.00 for all other supplies (not including on hand supplies) $16.00 approximate total cost