Oil Rubbed Bronze Door Knocker

  I finally had it with my front door and decided to do something about it! This simple re-do has given new life to my home!

What you need:

  • (1) can Krylon Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Cardboard
  • Sand paper
  • Spray paint respirator

How and How Long:

  1. Use the screwdriver to remove the door knocker.
  2. Lightly sand the parts.
  3. Lay out the parts onto cardboard.
  4. Put on the spray paint respirator.
  5. Spray with Krylon Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint.
  6. Allow time to dry.
  7. Reassemble parts on door.
Approximate project time: 1 hour.

What it Costs:

Cost is $8 for spray paint and supplies.