Kitchen Appliances

  Give your old appliances a modern makeover with Krylon Stainless Steel Finish. Get the on-trend look of Stainless Steel at a fraction of the cost.

What you need:

  • 1 - 2 Cans Stainless Steel Finish
  • Masking Tape
  • Medium grit sandpaper
  • Drop cloth or newspaper
  • Tack cloth or lint-free rag
*Note: Krylon Stainless Steel Finish is not intended for high-heat applications such as grills or stoves.

How and How Long:

  1. Cover your work area with old newspaper or a drop cloth to protect it from overspray.
  2. Tape off any areas or parts of the appliance you do not want painted.
  3. Clean appliances thoroughly to make sure they are free of grease, film, dust and lint.
  4. Following the instructions on the can, apply Krylon Stainless Steel Finish. Use short, sweeping strokes to prevent overspray. Apply several light coats versus one heavy coat. If paint is applied too heavily, it might puddle or run; if this happens, sand smooth and reapply. Let dry.

*Note: For additional appliance color options, Krylon Appliance Epoxy Paint is available in Black, White, Almond and Bisque.

Approximate project time: 1-2 hours.

What it Costs:

Approximate cost is $10.